Support us

 You are welcome to support us in one or more of the following ways:

1. Prayer

2. Be our speaker- being a regular or onetime speaker or facilitator in some of our youth meetings

3. Be a mentor- being a mentor to one young person or a group of high school or university students or a young couples

4. Finacially – You are welcome to give a gift to us to help us continue with this noble work. you can give through:

In norway : Vipps nr 546139 ( hope Beyond Us),

In Kenya:



Future Dream

To establish safe recreational centers for the youth in the rural and low income areas. We are dreaming of sporting facilities, camp centers and film/video centers



1. Go to M-PESA menu on your phone
2. Go to Lipa na M-PESA, paybill option
3. Paybill – 247247
4. Enter account number – 0540 1789 08451
5. Enter amount
6. Enter M-PESA pin.
7. Then you will get SMS confirmation received on phone